Cancelling your subscription

You can still access your website after the subscription expires.

What happens with your website when the subscription expires?

When your website's subscription expires, the public view will be closed. You can always access it by logging in, continue editing and make it available to the public again by renewing the subscription.

How can you manually stop the subscription?

You can cancel your subscription by only deleting your website. However, we strongly suggest not to do it - in case you've run into any technical issues, do contact us at beforehand.

Deleting your website

In case you're set on leaving, you can do so in the Settings > Billing menu by choosing 'Need to close the account and delete this site? Proceed here' from the bottom of the page.

Clicking the 'Proceed here' link under 'Settings' and 'Billing' from the bottom bar to delete your site

Note that by deleting your website you also lose any credit on your account and you can not use it any further.