SEO friendly websites.

Voog offers a variety of built-in tools to handle your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You don’t need to be a marketing expert to make your page visible in Google.

Customized meta description

You can edit the metadata for each page on your website individually or for the whole site at once. That way you can easily show what each of your pages is about.

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You can analyse the traffic and visitors of each page in your domain and get an overview of who is visiting your site. The basic tools will offer a variety of data about your site visitors.

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Automatic scoring

You can see how well your page has been optimized with Voog’s automatic SEO scoring tool. This helps you find specific parts of your site that need to be optimized further.

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Traffic sources

You can see the sources of your traffic. That way you’ll know how people get to your website, where are they coming from and how are they finding you.

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Robots and Sitemaps

You don’t have to worry about your sitemap or robots.txt file as Voog will generate those for you automatically. That will make it easy for Google and other search engines to find your site.

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Google Analytics

You can easily set up your Google Analytics account inside Voog and gain access to more analytics tools. Google Analytics is a must have tool to any SEO marketer. And setting it up is very easy.

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