Turning text into links
If you're looking to turn a word or sentence into a hyperlink, simply select it and click on the linking tool. You'll be asked to type in a URL which you then may insert.
Adding e-mail links to texts
Once you've typed in text or an e-mail address that you'd like to link, select it and click on the linking tool.
Then, type in an e-mail address. You can add mailto: at the beginning (for example, mailto: support@voog.com), but that isn't necessary — an e-mail address is recognised either way. A 'Link to email' option will appear from the drop-down menu, select it and your text will be available as an e-mail link.
How do I add a link to my uploaded files (photos, documents)?
To add a link to any of the uploaded files, first, type the text and highlight it. Then click "Insert a link" on the text editor toolbar to open the link tool: as you start typing the file name, you will be presented with a list of links to the uploaded files. Click on any of them to apply the link to the selected text.
How do I make a linking image?
To link an image, first drag the image into your text content area or gallery from the 'Files' menu.
Then, click on the image and select the linking tool from the toolbar. Type in an URL, insert it and your image will act like a link.
How do I make a link open in a new window?
Every time you enter a link to either your text, image, or document, a drop-down option named 'Link to' will appear. By selecting it, it will be opened in a new window when clicked.
How do I edit or remove an existing link?
Click on the existing link and select the linking tool from the toolbar. The linking tool will open up and you'll be able to change the URL and confirm it by clicking 'Change'.
In case you'd like to remove the link, again select it and open the linking tool from the toolbar. Then just delete it, click on 'Change' and the link will be removed.
How can I create a menu item that leads to an external website?
When adding a new page in the menu, you can turn it into a link instead.
Insert the website name and address, press 'Add it', and you've created a menu item that leads to an external link.