PayPal payments

Important information about PayPal

  • Accept payments via credit card or PayPal.
  • No monthly fee.
  • 2,9% + 0,3$ transaction fee (in US).
  • 4,4% + 0,35€ transaction fee (outside of US).
  • For Standard and Plus plans, the transaction fee is 3% of the total sale. If you wish to eliminate Voog's transaction fees, simply use Voog Pay for processing payments, where no transaction fee is charged. Also, there's no transaction fee with the Premium plan.

Please be aware that before adding a payment method, you should connect your website to a personal domain and create subpage(s) for your privacy policy and terms of use.

How do I add PayPal to my online store?

PayPal is a secure way to accept payments worldwide via credit card and PayPal. Your online store customer, however, doesn't need to have a PayPal account.
First thing to do is to read the PayPal terms and conditions, see the pricing, and create a PayPal merchant account.

Necessary steps to activate the PayPal payment method on your Voog website

  1. Log in to your Voog website and from the toolbar at the bottom select Store > Settings, then in the Settings view that opens, choose Payments.
  2. Click on the Add payment provider button and select PayPal.
  3. Turn on the Enable provider switch. This ensures that this payment method is activated and will be shown to the buyer in the shopping cart.
  4. Insert your PayPal account e-mail.
  5. Leave the Sandbox environment mode as it is by default, which is inactive if you wish to accept payments from customers. If you want to test with test keys, then switch the Test environment mode to active and enter the test environment keys.
  6. The URLs in the Return & Notifications section must be entered into the PayPal self-service portal. These URLs are crucial for synchronizing information between your PayPal account and your Voog website's store. The URLs you need are the Return URL and Notification URL.
  7. Select the payment methods which will be made available for your customers and save.

Synchronize payment info between your PayPal account and online store

To synchronize payment info between your PayPal account and online store, make sure that you fill out the Return URL and Notifications URL fields in your PayPal account.

1.  Log in to, open your profile at the top right corner, and go to Account settings > Website payments.
2. You will find a section Instant payment notifications, which has an Update option. Click on it and in the next view Choose IPN Settings add the Notification URL and under Message delivery choose Enabled.
3. Under Website preferences click on the Update link. In the next window choose Auto-return and set it to ON. Then add the Return URL
4. In addition please check your PayPal shopping button encryption settings. Click Update near Website preferences and select OFF next to Block Non-encrypted Website Payment.