

Generates comment form for blog article.

Form is generated by default for variable named "article"

{% commentform %}form contents{% endcommentform %}
#=> <form action="article_comments_url" method="post">form contents</form>

If variable named "article" is missing from scope (for example in for-loops, where variable name can be something else), you can specify article variable name explicitly:

{% commentform article="some_other_article" %}form_contents{% endcommentform %}
#=> <form action="article_comments_url" method="post">form contents</form>

If article has not yet been saved, commentform block is not being executed. However, it is possible to cheat just a little bit and turn on displaying the comment form even for new articles:

{% commentform shownew="true" %}form contents{% endcommentform %}

Otherwise, it will not output anything unless article is already saved.



Optional. Set variable name for article explicitly


Optional. If set to 'true' comment form will be skipped for new (unsaved) articles.