
Improving indexing of
Voog's built-in search

By default, Voog's built-in search engine indexes all sites' public content regularly. To improve the accuracy of search results, you can specify what parts of your pages can be indexed with special attributes.

To disable indexing for a specific HTML element and all of its children, add the data-search-indexing-allowed="false" attribute.
Conversely, if you want to make sure the search engine indexes an HTML element, add the data-search-indexing-allowed="true" attribute.
These attributes can also be nested, so you can fine-tune exactly what parts of your layouts are indexed, improving the results' quality. Here's an example of nested attributes:

     <div data-search-indexing-allowed="false"> <div data-search-indexing-allowed="true"> Is included to index. <div>Is included to index.</div> <div data-search-indexing-allowed="false">Is not included to index.</div> </div> <span>Is not included to index.</span> Is not included to index. </div> <span>Is not included to index.</span> </div> </body>

If you don't use this attribute anywhere in your layout, indexing is performed normally — all text content is taken into account. If this attribute is used anywhere on the page, the search engine switches to another "mode" and only looks for HTML elements (with their children) that have this attribute set as true.

Note: this applies only to the built-in search feature. Learn how to improve your site's visibility for Google and other global search engines.